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Term 2

Key Dates for Term 2

Monday 30th October - First day of term

Friday 10th November - the first of our fortnightly Open-Door Fridays

Tues 5th Dec 2pm and Wed 6th Dec 9:30am - EYFS Nativity

Monday 11th Dec - EYFS Stay and Play - 3:05-3:30pm

Tuesday 12th Dec - TBC walk to church to watch Year 2 concert rehearsal

Friday 15th December - Last day of term

To see how your child will be assessed at the end of their Reception year, you can read the Early Learning Goals.
Key Information for Term 2

P.E. will be on Wednesdays for Mulberry and Fridays for Elder this term. Please ensure P.E. kits are in school by Wednesday 1st November. All items must be named. P.E. lessons may take place outside when dry so please include leggings or joggers.


Resources to support at home
Phonics: In phonics this term we will be finishing phase 2 and starting phase 3. We will be introduced to several new graphemes and common exception words. We will continue to read simple words and increasingly read simple captions.

Phase 2 flashcards 

Phase 2 flashcards - decodable words with sound buttons

Phase 3 flashcards 

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading with sound buttons for support

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading unsupported

Pure sounds video clip

Phonics play - phase 3 games and activities

Letter formation:

Tracing all letters of the alphabet - lower case

Patters to support letter formation

Early Number Sense video clip

Number cards 1-10

Ten frames

Dot plates to 6 for subitising (subitising is being able to tell how many there are without having to count one at a time)

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