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Gem Power

To become strong and successful learners, we need to think about what we are doing in our learning and be able to talk about it. Giving our children the language of learning really helps them to  move forward and engage in the learning process. Good learning will take children out of  their comfort zone but not  so much to make them panic. Please download a copy of our Gem Power leaflet here.

Help your child stay in the Learning Zone

We want our children to develop the skills so that they can become successful life-long learners. 

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The Gem Powers We Use

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Emerald Power


Having A Go...


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Sapphire Power


Staying Focused...



Diamond Power


Solving A Problem...



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Ruby Power


Being Kind...



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Amethyst Power


Working With My Partner...



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Topaz Power


Reflecting and Working With My Group...


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Pearl Power


Telling The Truth...



Watch your thoughts,

They become words,

Watch your words,

They become actions,

Watch your actions,

They become habits,

Watch your habits,

They become character,

Watch your character,

It becomes your destiny.

 - Lao Tzu

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