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School Organisation


Class organisation is entirely dependent upon numbers and as such funding that we receive. The organisation for the academic year 2023-2024 is as follows:


There are two EYFS Classes.


Mrs Upham is EYFS Lead.


  • Elder Class

  • Mulberry Class 


There are five KS1 Classes.


Mrs Butcher is KS1 Lead


  • Hazel Class (Yr 1)

  • Hawthorn Class (Yr 1)

  • Sycamore Class (Yr 1/2)

  • Magnolia Class (Yr 2)

  • Maple Class (Yr 2)


Nurture Provision AM only


  • Holly Class (Yr 1/2)



The school day for Infants is as follows:


  • 8:30am - 8.40am: Doors and registers open. Teachers are available for exchange of important information. The children will be working on practice tasks or Thrive activities to support a smooth start to the day.

  • 9.00am: Registers Close

  • 10:15am – 10.30am: Break time

  • 12:00pm – 1:00pm: Lunch break

  • 3:00pm: End of the school day


The total weekly figure for the compulsory time pupils spend in Paulton Infant School is 32.5 hours.


We expect children to be punctual for the beginning of the school day but we cannot take responsibility for any child arriving before 8.30 a.m.


Schools are also required by law to record late arrivals. Any child arriving after the register closure time should report to the School Office where a register is kept for that purpose. 


Children must be handed over and collected at the classroom door by a responsible adult. We will not allow anyone aged 16 or under to take a child from the school premises.


Always inform the class staff if there is a change to collection arrangements and ensure whoever comes to collect your child is aware of the password.


Please keep the office updated of changes to personal circumstances and contact details as soon as they change.


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