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Term 4


Key Dates for Term 4


Tuesday 20th Feb - First day of term 

Thursday 7th March 4-5pm - Pyjamas and Story PTA fundraiser 

Friday 8th March - World Book Day Dress Up - dress up as a

colour or a book character

Tues 19th and Thurs 21st March - Parents Evenings

Thursday 28th March - Last day of term


Forest School 

Thursdays: Mulberry Class (beginning 22nd Feb - Week 1)

Wednesdays: Elder Class (beginning 28th Feb - Week 2)


Please wear warm waterproofs on your Forest School day (bring uniform in a bag to change into including dry pants and socks). Also bring wellies to change into in school. Please name all items! 

  Term 4 Knowledge Organiser                                      
pet sale pic.jpg


To see how your child will be assessed at the end of their Reception year you can read the Early Learning Goals.


Pets Project

To support our learning about pets, we are encouraging children to take photos or make videos of their pets at home so that we can share them in class. If you do not have any pets, children could talk about a friend's pet or a pet they would like to have.






Resources to support at home
Phonics: In phonics this term we will be reviewing and mastering phase 3. We develop fluency when reading simple sentences.

Phase 2 flashcards - sounds

Phase 2 flashcards - decodable words with sound buttons

Phase 3 flashcards - sounds

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading with sound buttons for support

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading unsupported

Pure sounds video clip

Phonics play - phase 3 games and activities

Phase 3 captions read and match

Writing and Letter formation:

Letter formation tracing templates - all lower case letters

Simple sentence writing - Introducing colourful semantics
Phase 3 - Colourful Semantics resources
Phase 3 Caption writing
Early Number Sense video clip

Number cards 1-10

Ten frames

Dot plates to 6 for subitising (subitising is being able to tell how many there are without having to count one at a time)

Bonds to 10 flashcards

when spring comes pic.jpg
Tap! Tap! The Egg Cracked.jpg
The Bog Baby.jpg
We're Going on an Egg Hunt.jpg
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