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Headteacher's Welcome 

Welcome to Paulton Infant School. We hope that our website will give you an insight and understanding in how we ensure the best possible outcomes for your child. Our vision is 'Limitless Learning' that provides:


  • Inspirational teaching

  • A knowledge rich, sequenced, progressive and ambitious curriculum

  • A school life that develops self-awareness and self-fulfillment which encourages our hopes and ambitions.


Our school community is kind and compassionate. We are committed individuals who are equipped with foundational life skills that strengthen our social capital. We believe that we can achieve what ever we want and be our very best.


Our School Values provide the foundation for our teaching and learning ensuring that our children 'GROW' every day to become confident, successful and happy British Citizens. Learning is fun, creative and purposeful at Paulton Infants and we celebrate that children leave our school ready for their next step in education. Working collaboratively is fundamental at Paulton Infants which is tightly linked to the values of The Partnership Trust; we strive to work closely with parents, between teachers, our trust, and the children securing the very best possible outcomes.


The school shares its site with Paulton Junior School. The Infant School operates entirely independently, however, and is therefore able to devote all teaching and learning methods, resources, organisation, routines and management to meet the very specific needs of four to seven year old children.


Parent partnership is extremely important to us at Paulton Infant School. We fully recognise that parents are their children’s first educators and we thrive on continuing this educational journey together, ensuring many opportunities to share learning experiences and your child’s progress.


Our high expectations and strong teaching ensure children achieve academically, but we also believe strongly in the equal importance of social, emotional, creative and physical development. It is our privilege to care and provide for your child at the start of a life-long journey of learning. Our aim is that every child leaves us as a happy, self-confident individual, fulfilled as a member of our school, the local community and the wider world.


If you are a prospective new parent our one page overview may be useful. Please also see our admissions section to find out more. We welcome visits to our school so that we can share how we work together to inspire a love of learning throughout life. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.


If you would like paper copies of any of the information you find on our website, we can provide these free of charge. Please contact us to arrange this.


Emily Omell, Headteacher and the staff at Paulton Infant School

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Contact Us


© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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