Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings
Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings
Intent Statement
At Paulton Infant School, we believe that a broad and balanced Computing education is the entitlement of all children, regardless of their needs. We live in a technologically orientated world that is continually shifting and developing. The use of ICT is a fundamental part of the National Curriculum and a key skill needed for everyday life. Therefore, it is important that pupils in our school gain the appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding to have the confidence and capability to effectively use ICT throughout their lives. At Paulton Infant School, children are provided with a relevant and stimulating Computing curriculum using ‘Teach Computing’ written by the National Centre for Computing Education. The use of ‘Teach Computing’ is carefully sequenced to build on prior skills and provide coverage of the Computing National Curriculum and has links to the Education for a Connected World Framework. Through our curriculum, children are encouraged to creatively apply their knowledge of computing in their own projects.
At Paulton Infant School, we teach our children how to use technology safely. We have recently began using ProjectEVOLVE to support learners understanding of online safety. The key message underlying all our internet safety teaching is that children should tell a trusted grown up if anything makes them uneasy. ​Further information about Online Safety and advice for parents/carer can be found here.
Computing Curriculum Map
The Computing Curriculum
Programming is a core skill that features in the Key Stage 1 Computing curriculum. We use a range of apps and technology to make this engaging and fun for all children. We learn what algorithms are by playing with instructions in different forms and across the KS1 phase we will explore the use of programming both using robots (Beebots and Osobots) and apps (Scratch Jr).
As children explore programming they are encouraged to use logical reasoning to make predictions about the behaviour of programs and debug when necessary. They learn they need to be very precise to make their programs behave how they choose. Creativity flows as they get to decide how their program is going to behave.
Another key skill is purposefully using digital technology to create and manipulate content. We use a range of apps and programs to get creative in school with digital content. These can range from artistic projects such as designing posters or cards using a Paint app to composing music through Chrome Music Lab. We also teach basic word processing skills with opportunities for typing on a keyboard and we encourage children to consider the purpose of their writing by experimenting with layout, font and images.
In recent years, we have invested in iPads for the school to use so that children can access the most up-to-date and age appropriate technology around. All classrooms have interactive boards that teachers skillfully incorporate across the curriculum. Each classroom has a visualiser (desktop camera) for modelling teaching and sharing learning. We have keyboards that connect to our iPads which allows children to learn basic typing skills and enhances the ‘Creating Media’ elements of out curriculum. We also have Beebots and Ozobots, which are excellent for developing early coding and programming skills and are used across the Infant School.
Internet Safety
At Paulton we teach our children how to use technology safely. The key message underlying all our internet safety teaching is that children should tell a trusted grown up if anything makes them uneasy.
We do not merely want our children to use technology safely but also to proactively become responsible and respectful digital citizens. We recognise that growing up in a world where online communication is so prevalent adds another layer of complexity to childhood. We teach that our key value of being "kind, respectful and polite" is just as true online as it is in real life. We encourage children to ask before filming or photographing others and to delete images if requested.
As well as teaching children how to be good digital citizens we support their development having effective filtering systems in place in school that are under regular review.
We have a page on our website dedicated to Online Safety where you can find more information about safe internet use.
Safer Internet Day 2022
On Tuesday 8th February 2022, we celebrated Safer Internet Day. We discussed ways of being safe online and the children thought about how we could make the internet a kinder place.