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Parents Evening Consultations

Our Parents Evenings this term will be face to face during the last week of this half term. This year we are going to hold the meetings in the school hall where each teacher will have a station for you to meet and share your children’s progress. These sessions will last for 10 minutes each and will be kept to time by a bell. If you have a sensitive matter that you would like to discuss, please can you book a separate appointment with your child's class teacher so that your privacy can be protected. We ask that you arrive promptly but not too early so that the hall doesn’t get too full with people waiting. Many thanks for your support with this. Below you will find the automated booking system which explains the dates and times available for each class. Please use this system to book your consultation and remember to include your child's name in the form. If you have any problems please let school know ASAP and we will do our best to support you with this. 

KS1 Class Booking System

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