Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings
Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings
Intent Statement:
It is our intent at Paulton Infant School to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach pupils to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. We believe that children need to develop a secure knowledge-base in Literacy, which follows a clear pathway of progression as they advance through the primary curriculum. We recognise that writing is a key life skill that is crucial to a high quality education and lays the foundations for lifelong learning.
At Paulton Infant school, writing is an integral part of our curriculum and all children from EYFS to Year 2 are provided with many opportunities to develop and apply their writing skills across the curriculum. In EYFS children have access to a range of writing materials and opportunities and we aim to give the children as many real life writing opportunities as possible, for example writing shopping lists when in a shop role play set up or writing letters to Santa. This then continues into KS1 in a more structured way, where we begin to look more closely at different texts types and identify their key features before having a go at writing our own versions. At the end of each unit of work, we work towards an outcome with a specific purpose e.g. writing stories to read to EYFS children.
As part of writing lessons, all pupils are supported to develop transcription and composition skills through high quality, engaging teaching opportunities and use of cross-curricular approaches. We place high value on oral rehearsal and children have many opportunities to speak words, sentences and series of sentences, before we expect them to write them.
In our approach to writing, we intend for pupils to be able to plan, revise and evaluate their writing at all phases of their education. This may initially be more oral based in EYFS, eg. Spotting a missing finger space and then become a more recorded approach as they move through Year 1 and Year 2 where children write and then have the opportunity to edit their original work to improve it, both with the support of the teacher and with growing independence.
As part of our writing curriculum we also ensure that time is spent on supporting children to make links between phonics, reading and writing and endeavour for all pupils to acquire a growing vocabulary, solid understanding of grammar and the ability to spell new words effectively choosing and applying spelling patterns and rules that have been taught throughout their time in school.
(More information can be found on our Phonics page of the website).
We have high expectations for our children and of our children and they are encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing. We use a non-cursive script across the school and use rhymes to help children to form each letter. By the time children leave us in Year 2, we encourage them to begin to use diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters.
The letter rhymes we use at school from when children first begin learning to write letters can be found here. These can be used to support your children at home.
Phase 2 letter formation rhymes and actions
Phase 3 - coming soon (but most of these can be seen above as single letters)
In Key Stage One (Year 1 and 2) children will learn about which letter family different letters belong to. They are grouped due to them being formed in a similar way. This document shows our 3 letter families; curly, down and zig zag. This can also be used by parents at home to support children with their handwriting.
Our Writing Curriculum
These documents outline key skills and outcomes for our children as they move through our school. The texts we have chosen to focus on have been carefully selected as high quality texts, that are age and stage appropriate and are texts that our children will engage well with.
EYFS Paulton Infant School Writing Curriculum Map 2022-2023
KS1 Paulton Infant School Writing Curriculum Map 2022-23 Cycle A.​
KS1 Paulton Infant School Writing Curriculum Map 2023-24 Cycle B.
More information about our writing curriculum to follow.
How to support writing at home
To ensure all our children become successful writers we work collaboratively with our parents and the wider community and recognise that it is a team effort in engaging children with writing. We want all our children to be confident written communicators by the time they leave us, in order that they can build on these skills in KS2 and beyond.
To support our children with any writing they may do at home, we would encourage you to support your children with:
Saying what they are going to write first, more than once can be helpful too, as well as counting the number of words in their sentence
Making writing as relevant to real life as possible eg. Helping write the shopping list, birthday cards
Encouragement to use their phonics skills to help - sound talk (segment) any words they are unsure of how to write. Eg. s-n-a-ck.
Encourage them to chunk longer words into sections and sound talk (segment) each part eg.
Keeping writing fun and supporting their understanding of how it helps their voice be heard by others eg. by writing their own diary and stories etc.
Useful documents and information:
National Curriculum-
For further information on Reading and English in the Early Years and National Curriculum, follow these links:​