Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings
Yearly Plan
To view our plan of meetings for the academic year 2017/18, please click here.
Statutory information re: Governors
To view more details about our governors including attendance statistics please click here
Forthcoming Meeting Dates
Academic Year 2018/2019 Term 2: -
Wednesday 7th November - Premises and Safety SC
Monday 12th November - Curriculum and Play SC
Thursday 21st November - Finance and Personnel SC
Wednesday 28th November - Full Governing Body
Click here to learn more about our sub-committees
Visit our blog page for snap shot of our Full Governing body meetings

Intent Statement:
At Paulton Infant School our curriculum is inclusive and we value the importance of Physical Education and intend for all children to develop habits leading to a healthy and active lifestyle. We ensure all pupils are willing to practice and take part in different activities, to be physically active for sustained periods of time, in small groups and in teams, applying skills to achieve high levels of performance. Physical Education at Paulton Infants will develop pupil’s physical literacy and allows them to develop qualities such as commitment, fairness, tolerance and a concern for others as well as individual success and to lead and develop healthy and active lives. Our pupils will understand fairness and equality of play to embed life-long values.

PE at our school.
Here at Paulton Infants we believe that Physical Education is an integral part to school life. We aim to develop the whole child through physical education, school sport and physical activity.
There are 2 dedicated hours of PE each week following our scheme through Inspired Somerset, so all children participate in dance, gymnastics and games weekly. Each lesson is tailored to enable all children to participate to their individual ability and not only do they develop their fundamental skills, build their understanding of tactical games but also improve their fitness whilst providing opportunities for sport to be enjoyed in a social context.
Click here to see the curriculum overview for 2022/2023
We also offer a wide range of clubs to extend the PE provision at the school which are extremely popular. These include dance, gymnastics, yoga, football and multi-skills. We encourage all children to try at least one club during their time at Paulton Infant’s School. Parents make these requests on a termly basis in Autumn, Spring and Summer.
Why is PE so important?
All young people are entitled to benefit from high quality physical education and there is significant evidence to show this supports other learning across the curriculum.
PE also contributes to healthy and active lifestyles, improves emotional well being, reduces poor behaviour, increased attendance and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence.
In addition your child will develop social, emotional and intellectual skills, including improved:
✔ Leadership Skills
✔ Communication & Trust
✔ Tolerance
✔ Independence
✔ Co-operation
✔ Loyalty
✔ Fairness & Respect
✔ Acceptance of Responsibility

What is Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity?
Your child is entitled to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, where physical education is a critical element. Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them.
Physical Education is about what takes place in school curriculum timetabled time and which is delivered to all pupils. This involves both ‘learning to move’ (i.e. becoming more physically competent) and ‘moving to learn’.
School Sport is the structured learning that takes place beyond the curriculum. This is sometimes referred to as out-of-school-hours learning. Again, the context for the learning is physical activity.
Physical Activity is a broad term referring to all bodily movement that uses energy. It includes all forms of physical education, sports and dance activities.
Why is PE so important?
All young people are entitled to benefit from high quality physical education and there is significant evidence to show this supports other learning across the curriculum.
PE also contributes to healthy and active lifestyles, improves emotional well-being, reduces poor behaviour, increased attendance and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence.
Inspired Somerset
Inspired Somerset is our P.E provider, there coaches deliver sessions to every class alongside our class teachers every week from the start of reception. The experienced coaches, deliver the Inspired Somerset scheme following our Paulton Infant School overview. Class teachers follow the same scheme which allows for children to develop their fundamental skills within a range of games and sports.
At Inspired Somerset we are committed to providing a range of ‘Outstanding’ services to Primary Schools within the County. Our school delivery team are dynamic, enthusiastic and motivated to deliver high quality Physical Education, supporting the fundamental development of children, continual professional development of teaching staff and raising activity levels within the school community.
We are proud to currently deliver 300 hours of P.E. provision within Somerset every week, with our philosophy of More Children, More Active, More Often at the heart of everything we do. Our belief is that every child should be given the opportunity to fall in love with P.E, supported by a dynamic scheme of work, great role models and a happy, positive environment.
For us, two key things that we need to see in our P.E. lessons our Active children and Smiles on faces!

(Taken from Physical Education (PE) Coaching in Primary Schools UK (
The children follow a clear skills progress year on year, allowing them to develop and master their skills through their time with us.
What Can You do?
Your child can experience many benefits, physically, mentally and emotionally, as a direct result of their participation in some form of PE, and a higher level of participation can lead to greater rewards:
✔ Be a positive role model and lead by example
✔ Offer encouragement and ensure your child regularly takes part in PE
✔ Provide them with the appropriate kit
✔ Talk as a family about being healthy and active
✔ Be active as a family
✔ Encourage children to try new activities through our clubs provision