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Intent Statement:

At Paulton Infant School, we believe that a broad and balanced Science education is the entitlement of all children, regardless of their needs.


We teach children to think and act as young scientists; carrying out their own experiments, inferring their own conclusions and understanding the relevance of their discoveries to the world in which they live. We aim to develop children’s scientific enquiry skills in questioning, predicting, planning, observing, measuring, fair testing, recording, interpreting and working systematically through direct experience. Children are encouraged to ask questions and find answers to such questions through first hand experiences of inquiry.


We provide opportunities for children to develop knowledge and understanding of key scientific ideas. They experience and use the language and vocabulary of science as well as developing a responsibility for their own health and safety, and that of others, when undertaking scientific activities.


By providing opportunities to work together, we teach children how to communicate their ideas and treat the ideas of others with respect. This allows them to effectively demonstrate interest and enthusiasm for science and to be confident to participate in explorative and investigative work. We foster children’s wonder and natural curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world, developing an awareness and sensitivity to the living and non-living environment.


Science Curriculum Map




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