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Term 5


Key Dates for Term 5


Monday 19th April - First day of term

Monday 3rd May - Bank Holiday, school closed

Friday 28th May - Last day of term  

Term 5 Overview


This term we are going to start with exploring planting and growing, including considering the food that we grow.  We will then move on to farming and farm animals before finishing by thinking about 'When I grow up' and the world of opportunities open to our children to which they can aspire. Should your child need to isolate at home and they are not unwell you will be able to find planning and resources to support your child while learning from home. 


Ruby Class: PE on Tuesdays 

Jade Class:  PE on Wednesdays

Opal Class: PE on Thursdays


Please wear sports clothes on your PE day; normal uniform on the other days. We are not timetabled for Forest school this term but please keep a pair of wellies in school so the mud kitchen can be used.


The following resources will all be of use this term if you are able to donate any of them.

  • child appropriate gardening/tools/gloves/equipment

  • top soil

  • compost

  • seeds – particularly sunflower seeds

  • wooden pestles and mortars (for potion making)

  • play sand for sand pit (not builders)

  • outdoor play/pe resources – bean bags, soft balls, rackets, targets, stilts on strings

  • small world characters – playmobil size, farm animals, ponies, pets, mythical creatures, anything that comes in a set/collection can provide opportunities for imaginative play, storytelling and role playing

Thank you for your help.



If you would like a reminder of what it is hoped children are able to do by the end of Reception you can see the Early Learning Goals here


Phonics and Reading in Term 5 of Reception

Having consolidated phase 3 we will now move on to phase 4. Any children still working on recalling phase 3 GPCs (grapheme-phoneme correspondences) and tricky word will continue to receive extra support within school and would benefit from practice at home as well. In phase 4 we will introduce a new set of tricky words and learn to read adjacent consonants. These will be in CVCC words e.g. 'went'; CCVC words e.g. 'from'; CCCVC words e.g. street and CCCVCC words e.g. scrunch. While introducing this new learning we will continue to master applying our phase 2 and 3 learning to reading and writing.


Your child’s book bag should contain: a yellow reading record; a bag of tricky words; a fully decodable phonics book for your child to read; a sharing book for you to read to your child and enjoy together. Please write in the yellow reading record every time your child reads to you. Ideally, every child will practise reading daily at home. We recommend reading a book at least 3 times as this helps build fluency and comprehension skills. Please make sure that your child’s book bag comes to school every day and contains the four items listed above. Please do not put water bottles in book bags as leaks and condensation damages books. Thank you.

Here you can watch a clip explaining book bags: 


Please find here some general resources and links to support with phonics and reading at this stage.

Phase 3 flashcards - sounds

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading with sound buttons for support

Phase 3 flashcards - word reading unsupported

Phase 3 flashcards - caption reading

Phase 4 flashcards - word reading with sound buttons for support

Phase 4 flashcards - word reading unsupported

Phase 4 caption and picture match

Pure sounds video clip

Tricky words arranged in word bag sets

Oxford Owls - ebook Library for Letters and Sounds

Oxford Owl story teller videos 


Writing in Term 5 of Reception

In writing we will continue to work on constructing simple sentences. Those that are ready will be encouraged to write more than one sentence at a time. We will continue to practise planning our sentence, 'holding' it in our heads, forming letters neatly, using soundtalk to spell, writing tricky words, using finger spaces, including full stops and capital letters and reading the sentences we have written back out loud to check for mistakes.  We will practise segmenting and writing phase 4 words making sure we hear all the consonants. Please find here some general resources and links to support with writing at this stage.

Phase 2 and 3 sound mat

Alphabet strip for letter formation

Mnemonics for forming letters

Video clip - letter formation

Video clip - How to use colourful sematics to practise simple sentences

Colourful semantics grid

Colourful semantics cards - phase 2 sounds

Additional colourful semantics cards - phase 3 sounds

Video clip - How to write a simple sentence.

Picture and sentence cards. Read, match, memorise, cover, write, check.

Uppercase and lowercase tracing

Phase 4 phoneme frames


Maths in Term 5 of Reception

In maths we will be looking at teen numbers in our unit 'To 20 and Beyond' and using this to deepen our understanding that all quantities are composed of smaller quantities. Following this, in our unit 'First, Then, Now' we will explore addition and subtraction stories and problems. Please find here some general resources and links to support with maths at this stage.

Early Number Sense video clip for parents/carers - an excellent introduction to maths in Reception 

10 frame templates

Subitising - A guide for parents

Subitising cards 1-5

Subitising cards 1-9

I spy numbers 1-10 - spotting numbers with a range of representations

I spy number 11-20

All About Numbers Booklet 1-10 - different representations including number formation

Representing numbers to 20 sorting cards

Cut and stick 11-20 ten frames

Cut and stick 11-20 different representations

Topmarks - 100 square

Topmarks - helicopter rescue

A game to learn number bonds:


Weekly planning and resources


Week 1 19/04/21 Errol's Garden

Week 1 planning

Week 1 resources

Learning to Read with Phonics - 14


Week 2 26/04/21 Oliver's Vegetables

Week 2 planning

Week 2 resources



Week 3 03/05/21 The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Week 3 planning

Week 3 resources



Week 4  10/05/21 What the Ladybird Heard

Week 4 planning

Week 4 resources


Week 5 What the Ladybird Heard cont.

Week 5 planning

Week 5 resources


Week 6 When I Grow Up

Week 6 planning

Week 6 resources

errols garden.jpg
olivers veg.jpg
hungry caterpillar.jpg
grow up.jpg

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© Copyright 2018 Paulton Infant School 

Tel: 01761 412354


Paulton Infant School, Plumptre Close, Paulton
BS39 7QY

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